Snowgoose Apartments

Family run, self catering apartments, 4 miles from Ben Nevis
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Create and manage a BannerAd for your business

A BannerAd promotes your business at the top of pages on

You need to sign-in to your account before you can create or manage any content. Sign in here.

You can use a BannerAd to give your business a big promotion for as long as you have clicks, or for a specific period. If you are a restaurant or bar, a BannerAd can be used to book a table if you good a good photo to tempt people. Maybe come and try your new menu, or dine for a special occasion with an offer... If you have accommodation, you could choose to load a bannerAd in the Outdoor Activities section or in the accommodation section or on any page.

In your Dashboard click on the BannerAd link - Create Banner Ad. When the new banner ad page is open, here's what you can do:

Type in a title or name for the BannerAd
Type in a catchline - something for people to react to
upload a very good photograph
You can crop the photo precisely to make it look great
Choose a call to action - More Info, Book Now or...
Copy and paste the url of a page from your website
Choose which type of page you want to show the ad
Save the ad
You an easily edit it to modify it
Activate the ad if you want it to go live
Deactive it if you want to use the clicks later
You have 100 or 250 complementary clicks
You can buy more clicks at any time

Clicks cost:
40p for 100
35p for 250
30p for 500
25p for 1000

Clicks are paid for using Gocardless. Your receipt can be found in the Dashboard. A BannerAd expires and is not published when your clicks are used up. Our system will send you an email to let you know.