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Musicians and music in Lochaber

Fort William and Lochaber has an active community of musicians and many of these play regularly for the public - particularly through the summer months.

Music is an important part of our culture. There are many talented and creative people living in Lochaber and either playing, teaching or learning music. There are two businesses we are aware of who design and build musical instruments. One makes guitars, the other clarsachs, harps and violins.
 From pipeband to Fiddlers, school orchestras and lots of local bands, Lochaber musicians provide an important element in our lives. Many of the local hotels and pubs often have live music.
We encourage local establishments and musicians to add their gigs to our Fort William and Lochaber Events database. So if you are a local musician or organising a small gig somewhere in Lochaber, please add your music event and we can make it load on more than 40 local websites.

If you are performing in Lochaber and want to increase your audience - please add your gig to this website - ITS FREE !

Lochaber Music School provides high quality, professional string tuition in the Fort William and Lochaber area of the Scottish West Highlands. Students at LMS can learn violin, cello, clarsach, viola and double bass.

The School organises Musicianship Classes to develop aural and rhythmic skills. As students progress they can discover the fun and satisfaction to be gained from playing together in one of the School's three orchestras or participate in ensemble playing.

If you live in Lochaber and would like to learn to play, or improve your playing, we would be pleased to hear from you. We also welcome musicians and business organisations who may like to help us financially. West Highland College UHI offer two music courses in Fort William - a one-year National Certificate in popular music, and a four-year Applied Music BA(Hons) degree through the University of the Highlands and Islands. Students will learn about performance, theory, technology and many other aspects of music. For more details, please see the West Highland College UHI website:

Any local musician or band is welcome to add their events to our What's On, or create a Lochaber Business Directory listing from the link in the footer of this page.