Weather and Climate
This page has some information about Fort William and Lochaber's weather and climate, as well as links to sources of weather.
The weather here is both fascinating and at times, frustrating. It has often been said that over the period of one day in Lochaber, it is sometimes possible to experience all four seasons! Great for photography - not so good for gardening.
Fort William enjoys a relatively mild, temperate climate, one heavily infuenced by the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Ocean - not forgetting about the very local micro-climates created by the high mountainous terrain that provides us with this beautiful scenery.
Fort William enjoys a relatively mild, temperate climate, one heavily infuenced by the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Ocean - not forgetting about the very local micro-climates created by the high mountainous terrain that provides us with this beautiful scenery.
Our Ben Nevis North Face WebCam operates during the hours of daylight (GMT daylight) and is often an excellent source of weather information in terms of cloud level, precipitation and in winter, snow and ice levels on the mountain.
Our mountains see the return of winter snow from late September onwards until late May. Snowfall is mostly above 800 metres although snow will readily fall at sea-level if the wind goes into the north of west during cold spells. High pressure often brings calm, but very cold, frosty weather which is fantastic for getting around and exploring the area. Sunrises and sunsets can be spectacular. Our roads are mostly deserted in the winter months which makes it a good time for a winter break !
Ben Nevis WebCam
Our mountains see the return of winter snow from late September onwards until late May. Snowfall is mostly above 800 metres although snow will readily fall at sea-level if the wind goes into the north of west during cold spells. High pressure often brings calm, but very cold, frosty weather which is fantastic for getting around and exploring the area. Sunrises and sunsets can be spectacular. Our roads are mostly deserted in the winter months which makes it a good time for a winter break !
Ben Nevis WebCam